KitchenAid Dishwasher Error Codes

When you have an issue with a Kitchen Aid dishwasher it will give you a error code to help diagnose the error.

How Do You Find the Error Code?

The error code will be displayed on the digital control panel. Here are a list of all the

Error Code Table

See full table at Sears Parts Direct and for more repair tips for each error.

Error CodeIssuePossible Parts
1-1 or F1E1Stuck relay on the electronic control boardPossible parts
Electronic control board, wiring harness
1-2 or F1E2Damaged or corrupted memory on control board. Incompatible software components inside microprocessor.Electronic control board
2-1 or F2E1Stuck button on the user interface controlUser interface control, electronic control board
2-2 or F2E2User interface control can’t communicate with electronic control boardUser interface control, electronic control board
3-1 or F3E1Thermistor/OWI sensor failure (The thermistor is the water temperature sensor, the OWI sensor is the Optical Water Indicator that detects the amount of debris in the water.)Thermistor/OWI sensor, wire harness
3-2 or F3E2Shorted thermistor/OWI sensorThermistor/OWI sensor, wire harness
3-3 or F3E3OWI failed to calibrate or the drain hose check valve failed, allowing dirty water to backflow into the dishwasherThermistor/OWI sensor, wire harness
4-4 or F4E4Communication error between the electronic control board and the circulation pump motorWire harness, circulation pump and motor assembly, electronic control board
5-1 or F5E1Door switch failureDoor latch assembly, wire harness
5-2 or F5E2Control detects door not openingDoor latch assembly
6-1 or F6E1Won’t fillWater inlet valve, wire harness, electronic control board
6-2 or F6E2Water inlet valve failureWater inlet valve, electronic control board, wire harness
6-3 or F6E3Suds or air are in the water pumpWater inlet valve, detergent dispenser, wire harness
6-4 or F6E4The float switch is openWater inlet valve, Overfill float switch
6-6 or F6E6Incoming water is too coldThermistor/OWI, Electronic control board
7-1 or F7E1Heating element doesn’t workHeating element
7-2 or F7E2Heating element won’t shut offElectronic control board
8-1 or F8E1Slow drainDrain pump
8-2 or F8E2Drain pump electrical problemDrain pump
9-1 or F9E1
Electronic control board can’t detect the position of the diverter disc
Diverter motor, wiring harness
9-2 or F9E2Diverter motor is stuck onElectronic control board
9-3 or F9E3Diverter disc is missingDiverter disc
9-4 or F9E4Lower spray arm errorLower spray arm motor
10-1 or FAE1Detergent dispenser failureDetergent dispenser, wire harness
10-2 or FAE2Vent wax motor electrical problemVent wax motor
10-3 or FAE3Drying fan failureDrying fan, wire harness
Scroll Table

Source: KitchenAid HE dishwasher error codes | Sears PartsDirect

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