How To Clean a Dishwasher

It can be a challenge to keep your dishwasher clean, but it doesn’t have to be. In this article, we will go through how to clean your dishwasher no matter which model you have got.

Some of the major brand models we will discuss are Whirlpool and KitchenAid.

It is a must to clean your dishwasher often as food particles can block up filters and the waste pipe. Neglected cleaning of a dishwasher causes build-up of grime that will cause a bad over time. This smell is often referred to as the smell of rotten eggs.

This can cause affect the functionality of a dishwasher.

How Often Should You Clean Your Dishwasher?

You should clean your dishwasher at least once a month to reduce the risk of food blockages. Over time filters are more likely to get blocked if not cleaned.

Plumber changing filter on a dishwasher as woman watches behind

Here is our recommended cleaning schedule for a standard home dishwasher:

Daily dishwasher cleaning routine:

After use it’s easy to provide the dishwasher a quick clean. I advise you to check for any food particles that can be easily removed. Also provide the shelving a quick wipe down with a wet cloth, no chemicals.

Monthly dishwasher cleaning routine:

Once a month give your dishwasher a deeper clean to keep it in pristine condition. The best way to do the monthly clean is to use dishwasher cleaning tablets. Place the tablet into the soap dispenser and run the dishwasher empty to allow for a deep clean.

After this has completed lift out the filter from the bottom of the appliance and check for blockages. It is also recommended to give the filter a quick clean with some tap water.

the filter at the bottom of a dishwasher

How To Clean the Exterior of Your Dishwasher

The exterior needs to be kept clean to avoid grease marks. This can cause the appliance to look unpleasant and cause surface rust. You should use a soft damp cloth with some all purpose cleaning spray. Apply over the surface and wipe off any grease.

Finish off wiping the surface with a dry cloth to avoid any smears.

How To Clean a Whirlpool Dishwasher

Whirlpool dishwashers are one of the most common brands on the market. The great thing about Whirlpool is that they have multiple different programme settings.

I would tell you to clean a Whirlpool dishwasher in the same way as you would clean any other dishwasher. First check the filter for any blockages and provide it with a clean.

Then wipe down the sides and shelving of the washer with a damp wet cloth. To finish off, use a cleaning tablet and run the dishwasher on a normal wash completely empty.

These steps will help keep your Whirlpool dishwasher in great condition.

Why Does My Dishwasher Smell Like Rotten Eggs?

If you find your dishwasher smells like rotten eggs there is a good chance that the filter has become blocked. This will mean water will not drain away as it should and allows food to catch and rot.

The smell will often be referred to as rotting eggs due to the waste food particles decaying over time. To fix this problem remove the filter from the bottom of the washer and check for any blockages.

Once the filter is clean and placed back in the machine, run the washer through a normal cycle with a cleaning tablet inserted to act as an antibacterial. This will help deodorise the dishwasher and keep it clean and fresh.

How To Clean the Dishwasher Drain Filter?

The dishwasher drain filter is located at the bottom of the appliance. This is used to collect food particles that are washed off during cleaning.

Depending on how often you use your dishwasher, this filter will need washing every 3 months.

The best way to clean the filter is to remove it from the appliance and pop it in some hot water to soak for about an hour. After this time, swill out the filter in hot water and reinstall it back into the appliance.

Can You Clean Your Dishwasher With Chemical Products Such As Bleach?

No, I would definitely not recommend you to use chemicals such as bleach to clean your dishwasher. The reason behind this is that the bleach corrodes and damages the appliance over time.

Instead of using a bleach solution to deodorise and disinfect your dishwasher. I would always use a cleaning tablet or vinegar can also be a good substitute. Using bleach will cause damage to the appliance.

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