What Is the Most Common Cause of a Dishwasher Leaking

Leaking dishwashers are a common problem that many homeowners have to deal with. A leaking dishwasher can be caused by a number of different issues, but the most common cause is the door gasket seal being worn out.

We will go over the most common causes for a dishwasher leaking and how you can go about resolving the issues.

Most Common Issues Causing Leakages

The first step is to identify if the leak happens when the dishwasher is running. If it starts when you empty your sink then there us a issue with the waste pipe. Here are some of the causes of leakages when the dishwasher is on:

  • 1. Worn Door Gasket – This is the rubber seal that makes the door air tight to avoid any leakages. Over time this gasket can become very worn and allowing water to pass through and out onto the kitchen floor. Open the door and inspect the gasket for any cracks and breaks. Fix: If you see any major cracks or breaks in the rubber seal then the whole rubber seal will need to be replaced before the next use.
  • 2. Broken Door Latch – After a lot of use the door latch can become worn and has a habit of sticking in place. This will stop the door closing tightly and allowing water to pass through. Fix: If the latch is working but sticking in place, clean around the latch and remove any dirt. If the latch has broken or chipped off then it will need to be replaced with a new part.
  • 3. Worn Hoses – Over time hoses will be come worn and small cracks will appear, water will eventually start leaking through the cracks. Fix: Any leaking hoses will need to be replaced with fresh new hoses.
  • 4. Drain Pipe Issue – Blocked drain pipe is a common cause of leakages around a dishwasher. It can easily block up after large food particles build up. Fix: Remove the drain pipe and unblock any blockages within the line, it is advisable to check this every few month to avoid any future leaks.
  • 6. Water Pump Gasket Worn – Check underneath the dishwasher to see if you can see water dripping from the water pump or seeping out the sides. The cause of this is a worn gasket which is the rubber seal that stops leakages. Fix: If you can see water dripping around the water pump, the pump will need to be removed and a new gasket fitted.
  • 7. Blocked Filters – Blocked up filters will cause a build up of excess water and this water needs somewhere to run. Naturally this will cause a leak. Fix: Blocked filters should be fairly easy to fix. Remove the filter and wash under running tap water.
Most Common Cause of a Dishwasher Leaking

Will a Clogged Filter Cause a Dishwasher To Leak

A clogged filter can cause a dishwasher to leak because it will not be able to drain the water properly. If you are having problems with your dishwasher leaking due to a blocked filter, clean the filter under running tap water and it will resolve the problem.

Will a Dishwasher Leak if the Water Is Turned Off

If the water is turned off to the dishwasher, it will not be able to leak because water won’t be reaching the appliance. Fix the leak issue with the water cut off by the cut off valve underneath the sink. Be sure to turn on the water before starting the next cycle.

Will a Dishwasher Leak if It Is Not Level

A dishwasher will not be able to operate correctly and may begin leaking if it is not leveled properly on all sides. Be sure the floor underneath your appliance is even, or place adjust the dishwasher legs until the washer is level.

Some of the above issues can be easily fixed, but some may be more complex. In this case ensure you contact a local engineer to replace any worn parts and to get the dishwasher back up and running for your convenience.

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